Maiccu Kostiainen is a Finnish animal communicator who also gives lectures and courses about intuitive inter-species communication. Her biggest passion is to bring the messages from the other species for people and to give a voice to those who don’t speak the language of humans.The Power of Silent Wisdom workshop is on Friday 23.9. in Gallery Lapinlahti workshop roomat 14 - 18. You have been...
We had a wonderful opening day and evening! Please check out quick impressions from the day on our Facebook page!
23 September 2016
The Singing Länsiväylä activity at the festivalthis weekend promises to be an immersive, participatory experience that incorpoates listening with physical expression and awareness of the environment. We asked workshop facilitators Grit Ruhland and Walburga Walde a few questions about their practice. Reminder: there are still places available in the workshop - register here! Pixelache: You both...
Saša Spačalin ja Slavko Glamočanin koskettava Syncness -installaatio ehti olla viisi päivää avoinna MUU Kaapeli galleriassa ja oli erittäin suosittu Kaapelitehtaalla vierailevien keskuudessa. Valitettavasti, installaatio kuitenkin joutuiilkivallan kohteeksi. Jouduimme sulkemaan installaation sirkkojen turvallisuuden varmistamiseksi. Pahoittelumme niille, jotka eivät ehtineet kokea tätä teosta....