In 2011 Finnish author Johanna Sinisalo published the ecopolitical novel Enkelten Verta (The Blood of Angels). The Other Side is featured in the Sinisalo novel as an enigmatic parallel world, where the earthly bees have their own access.
The Other Side opens to the visitor through an audio work, that features parts of Johanna Sinisalo’s novel Enkelten Verta, recorded in Finnish and English. The readings can be listened in Lapinlahti Hospital auditorium on Thursday 22nd September, at 14-16.30, and also as a site-specific audio installation at Eläintarhantie 14, Helsinki, on a rocky hill behind of Villa Eläintarha until the end of September 24/7. This natural space is a special spot with it’s own flora and fauna in the centre of Helsinki; it is a natural and charming non-place in the city, not destined for any specific use neither taken care as urban parks tend to be.
Our ancestors knew something about bees that we´ve forgotten or refuse to recognise, that bees, with their incomparable senses, can sense the thin spots between worlds and break through; use their efficient little jaws to nibble a hole from one universe to another.
Johanna Sinisalo, The Blood of Angels, 2011
Tekstit/Texts: Johanna Sinisalo, Enkelten Verta/The Blood of Angels, 2011
Konsepti/Concept: Ulla Taipale
Lukijat/Readings: Merja Markkula (fi), Kira O´Reilly (eng)
Äänitykset/Recordings and editing: Kirill Lorech
Toinen Puoli -äänitila on osa Melliferopolis Fest -ohjelmaa.
The Other Side audio space is part of Melliferopolis Fest. (
Tukijat/Supporters: Koneen Säätiö, Helsinki City